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Home of The Bob Vega Fan Club

Here you'll find all the info you've ever wanted on Bob Vega

This is one of my favorite images
A technicolorized photo of Bob as a child. Note the lovely Swimmies!
  Bob's childhood
Bob Gunther Vega was born on a hot July 13 in 1956. His parents Arthur and Mildred Vega of Pottsdam, Tennessee were thrilled with the birth of their only son after producing six girls. Bob grew up in a poor but happy family where he spent much of his time pouring salt on slugs and learning needlepoint skills. Though he njoyed the simple country life, he longed for more. After graduating in the top 75% of his class in high school, he headed off to Berry College in pursuit if his dream to become math historian.

Bob's College Days
At Berry, Bob experienced a new world of mischief and hijinks. A resident of Thomas Berry, Bob was a charter member of the Thomas Berry Liberation Army. His desire for drink was more than fulfilled at his favorite watering hole, Triple H. Perhaps this caused the origin of his beloved nick name, "Ol' Sewage Breath". To make money at school, he was employed at the Ford dining hall as well as holding a part-time job as a dog-sitter. This resulted in numerous large teeth-marks on Bob's legs and buttocks, thus ending his potential career as a body double. He later went on to a job at the local Radio Shack.Though his pranks were many, some of his more famous shananigans included a shaving contest he won for creating the largest pile of body hair, a Ford panty raid, procuring a Berry College campus safety patrol car door, hanging Henry Ford's portrait from the steeple of the college chapel. Bob graduated with a 1.7 GPA in 1980.

Link to Bob's Homepage

Life After College
After marrying "Becky from Cedartown", Bob bought a Harley and donned numerous, large, brightly colored tattoos. Bored with Georgia life, Bob, Becky, and their three daughters (Scooter, Martha, and Cleo) moved to France where they still reside. Best wishes to you Bob and Bonne Chance to you Becky!


The Rome News Tribune has recently published a story about Bob Vega. Apparently he and Becky divorced in 1994 over a slight tiff with a butcher knife. Bob is now married to the lovely Sandra and resides in Snellville.

Berry College Alumni Site (Loads of Bob info!)

Bob in his "Radio Shack" days.
Bob was so proud of his position of stockboy. He worked at Radio Shack until his graduation in 1980.

Bob's lovely wife
A recent picture of Bob's wife Sandra, otherwise known as "Sandra from Paris, Texas".

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